General information
Description: The existence of the unicorn is much debated, with many regarding it as nothing more than a beautiful myth. But their beauty is matched by their ferociousness in battle, making them legendary combatants.
Class: Charging
Class Description: Charge: Charging units attack enemies in the back row, increasing Critical Hit DMG against Ranged and Caster units.
Faction: Rampart
Race: Divine Beast
Members: x4
Rank: SR
Unit Soul: Unicorn
Unit description: Blind: Decreases the Accuracy of a row of enemy troops.
Short description: Blinds. Its shield and evasion skills increase over time.
Position : Decreases your enemies’ Accuracy, has high dodge value.
Recommend: Increasing your movement speed makes your armies much more effective.
Basic stats
Base HP: 1850.0
Base ATK: 151.4
Unit Upgrade: Unit EXP Upgrade cost per Level
Grade | |||
Green | 75.7 | 6.5 | 1387.5 |
Blue | 151.4 | 13.0 | 2775.0 |
Blue +1 | 227.1 | 19.5 | 4162.5 |
Blue +2 | 317.94 | 27.3 | 5827.5 |
Purple | 408.78 | 35.1 | 7492.5 |
Purple +1 | 499.62 | 42.9 | 9157.5 |
Purple +2 | 605.6 | 52.0 | 11100.0 |
Purple +3 | 711.58 | 61.1 | 13042.5 |
Orange | 817.56 | 70.2 | 14985.0 |
Orange +1 | 938.68 | 80.6 | 17205.0 |
Orange +2 | 1059.8 | 91.0 | 19425.0 |
Orange +3 | 1180.92 | 101.4 | 21645.0 |
Orange +4 | 1302.04 | 111.8 | 23865.0 |
Orange +5 | 1483.72 | 127.4 | 27195.0 |
Red | 1725.96 | 148.2 | 31635.0 |
Stars | Extra ATK | ATK Speed | Extra DEF | Extra HP |
2x | 18.168 | 0.53 | 3.23 | 222.0 |
3x | 21.196 | 0.55 | 3.86 | 259.0 |
4x | 24.224 | 0.58 | 4.49 | 296.0 |
5x | 27.252 | 0.6 | 5.12 | 333.0 |
6x | 30.28 | 0.63 | 5.75 | 370.0 |
I | Equipment | Basic stat 1 | Basic stat 2 |
![]() |
Crystal Longhorn | ATK | DEF |
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Dreamer’s Stones | HP | DEF |
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Crystal Hooves | ATK | DEF |
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Misty Mane | HP | DEF |
Name: Knight Pike
Is Open: -
Item to Rank Up: Knight Pike Token
Skin: -
Recommended Holy Emblems
- Ancient Fire (Order)
- Griffin Wings (Order)
- Ominous Sign (Evil)
Combination Info
Ultimate Skill: null
Regular Skill 1 : Flickering Figures
Description: Every time the Unicorn dodges, it has a great chance of creating a <shield> for itself that absorbs damage equal to % of its Max HP.
Regular Skill 2 : Angelic Light
Description: <Blind> increases the unit’s damage taken by the target by additional %.
Regular Skill 3 : Bold Leader
Description: Unicorn’s dodge increased by . Grants the Unicorn 40 extra dodge for every friendly Charging Unit on the battlefield.
Faction Special Skill I : Calm Proliferation
Description: Rampart units are proficient at battlefield warfare. The duration of <stun> and <petrification> they suffer from is shortened by %
Faction Special Skill II : Hatred Mark
Description: Rampart units are proficient at tactical pursuit, increasing Crit DMG by % when fighting against <Slow> and <Bleeding> targets. If the target is suffering from both of the above states, the effect doubles
Roster Connection
- Rampart (Rampart Roster)
- Charging (Charging Roster)
- SR (SR)
Hero Bonus
- Attack
- HP
- Unit Dodge
- unit DMG Reduction
Talent Enhance: Charging Talent Potion
Awaking Details
Is it possible right now? YES
Awaking Name: War Unicorn
Awaking Description: Unicorns with golden hair are very rare. They are often called the sacred beasts by elves of Avlee and are worshipped by them. Whenever the forest of Tula Lian encounters a major crisis, the golden light will once again shine through the forest.
Awaking Tasks
Deploy Unicorn and kill 1,000 dwarves in the Dwarven Treasury in a single battle. (Sweep does not count towards the mission.)
Collect 5 Resources in Guild Adventure.
Collect 100 War Unicorn souls in the Underground: 18-2 and 18-4 levels.
Deploy Unicorn and win 3 battles in Campaign. (Sweep does not count towards the mission.)
Awaken Skills
1st Skill (or 2nd): Brilliance of Forest Spirit
Description: <Blind>Decreases extra accuracy by 1000 when blinded
2nd Skill (or 1st): Forest Spirit’s Will
Description: <Blind>Casts "Blind" immediately when engaged
3rd Skill (or 4th): The Sixth Sense
Description: <Aglimmer Silhouette> Chance to trigger the Shield is increased to 200% of the previous one
4th Skill (or 3rd): Power of Coordination
Description: <Aglimmer Silhouette>Shield effect increased to 200% of the previous skill’s effect
5th Skill (or 6th): Forest Spirit’s Guidance
Description: <Bold Leader>Unicorn increases unit’s damage by 10% for all friendly units over the next 20s when the target unit is killed. The effect can be stacked 3 times
6th Skill (or 5th): Forest Spirit’s Shelter
Description: <Bold Leader>Unicorn creates a shield for all friendly units to absorb damage equal to 6% of Max HP when the target unit is killed
Technical info
runart: 1
summon: 1
defshow: 4.0
Rush: 2
Speedattack: 160
Attack Show: 5.0
Attack Area: 80
Attack Range: 300
Attack Speed Show: 7.0
Defense Show: 4.0
Score: 728
HP Show: 6
disrdcvol: 40
Dead Type: 1
s: 2
label1: 3
speedmove: 120
posclass: 3
talk1: Let my horn purge your sins. Or are you too sinful to be saved?
talk2: Ugh, don’t touch me with your dirty hands!
talk3: I hate it when my mane is tarnished by dust. Or blood.