General information
Description: Liches bodies are withered, twisted and decayed. They loathe all living beings and want nothing more than disease and destruction.
Class: Caster
Class Description: With their mastery of the secrets of magic, Caster units have higher magic resistance.
Faction: Necropolis
Race: Undead
Members: x4
Rank: SR
Unit Soul: Lich
Unit description: Sacrifice: Summons a horde of Skeletons.
Short description: Summons skeletons. Enhanced bone magic
Position : Can summon and enhance skeletons. The core of any undead summon strategy.
Recommend: Low-health, high-attack creatures. They will be extremely powerful if you remember to heal them swiftly.
Basic stats
Base HP: 1581.0
Base ATK: 228.7
Unit Upgrade: Unit EXP Upgrade cost per Level
Grade | |||
Green | 114.35 | 4.0 | 1185.75 |
Blue | 228.7 | 8.0 | 2371.5 |
Blue +1 | 343.05 | 12.0 | 3557.25 |
Blue +2 | 480.27 | 16.8 | 4980.15 |
Purple | 617.49 | 21.6 | 6403.05 |
Purple +1 | 754.71 | 26.4 | 7825.95 |
Purple +2 | 914.8 | 32.0 | 9486.0 |
Purple +3 | 1074.89 | 37.6 | 11146.05 |
Orange | 1234.98 | 43.2 | 12806.1 |
Orange +1 | 1417.94 | 49.6 | 14703.3 |
Orange +2 | 1600.9 | 56.0 | 16600.5 |
Orange +3 | 1783.86 | 62.4 | 18497.7 |
Orange +4 | 1966.82 | 68.8 | 20394.9 |
Orange +5 | 2241.26 | 78.4 | 23240.7 |
Red | 2607.18 | 91.2 | 27035.1 |
Stars | Extra ATK | ATK Speed | Extra DEF | Extra HP |
3x | 32.018 | 0.44 | 2.76 | 221.34 |
4x | 36.592 | 0.46 | 3.34 | 252.96 |
5x | 41.166 | 0.48 | 3.92 | 284.58 |
6x | 45.74 | 0.5 | 4.5 | 316.2 |
I | Equipment | Basic stat 1 | Basic stat 2 |
![]() |
Nether Staff | ATK | DEF |
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Carrion Crown | HP | DEF |
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Soul Belt | ATK | DEF |
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Light Armor of the Netherworld | HP | DEF |
Name: Death Tribute
Is Open: +
Item to Rank Up: Death Tribute Token
Skin: Death Tribute Special Skin
Recommended Holy Emblems
- Everlasting Secret (Order)
- Stone Key to the Gates (Neutral)
- Forgotten Autonym (Evil)
Combination Info
Ultimate Skill: Sacrifice
Description: If the target is downed, Lich has a chance of summoning 1 Skeleton with ATK and HP that lasts the entire battle.
Regular Skill 1 : Poisonous Cloud
Description: Lich’s normal attack has a chance to deal % damage to 3 targets. Its damage to "bleeding" targets is increased by 30%.
Regular Skill 2 : Dark Boost
Description: Lich’s ATK increased by %. The Lich’s attack range will be increased by 50 for every Necropolis unit on the battlefield.
Regular Skill 3 : Skeletal Sacrifice
Description: When Lich is on the battlefield, HP and ATK is increased by % for Skeletons and Bone Dragons.
Faction Special Skill I : Dismal Defense
Description: Necropolis units know dismal environments well. Increases Unit DMG Reduction when fighting against units suffering from Low Morale by %.
Faction Special Skill II : Spell Harmony
Description: Necropolis units are proficient at spell suppression. When on the battlefield, all hostile units’ magic resistance is decreased by %
Roster Connection
- Necropolis (Necropolis Roster)
- Caster (Caster Roster)
- SR (SR)
Hero Bonus
- Vidomina -> Specialty:
- Sandro -> Specialty: ,
- Human Sandro -> Specialty:
- Attack
- HP
- Attack Speed
- Unit Critical Hit
Talent Enhance: Caster Talent Potion
Awaking Details
Is it possible right now? YES
Awaking Name: Power Lich
Awaking Description: In order to see the true meaning of death and obtain the mystery of eternal life, the explorers of life sacrifice the mortals. After this grand ceremony, the immortal Sorcerers will be reborn from death.
Awaking Tasks
Deploy Lich with at least 3 Necropolis units and complete Dragon Utopia 1 time at Champion level or higher. (Sweep does not count towards the mission.)
Kill 3 monsters in Guild Adventure.
Collect 100 Power Lich souls in the Underground: 17-2 and 17-4 levels.
Deploy Vidomina and Lich and win 1 Duel of Champions battle.
Awaken Skills
1st Skill (or 2nd): Summon Skeleton
Description: <Sacrifice>Summons 2 Skeletons at the same time
2nd Skill (or 1st): Undead Summon
Description: <Sacrifice>The summoned Skeleton turns into an Armed Skeleton whose normal attack has an 8% chance to stun the target
3rd Skill (or 4th): Death Sacrifice
Description: <Skeletal Sacrifice>Increases Lich’s ATK speed by 20% and Crit Hit by 200. For every hostile unit’s death, the bonus doubles. Lasts for 20s
4th Skill (or 3rd): Death’s Embrace
Description: <Skeletal Sacrifice>Increases DEF and life drain by 20% for Necropolis units. For every hostile unit’s death, the bonus doubles. Lasts for 20s
5th Skill (or 6th): Magic Contract
Description: <Dark Boost>Lich unit’s damage will be increased by an extra 5% for every Caster Unit on the battlefield
6th Skill (or 5th): Contract of the Dead
Description: <Incineration>Lich unit’s damage will be increased by 5% for every Necropolis unit on the battlefield
Technical info
runart: 0
summon: 1
defshow: 4.0
fly: guihunlan
flyspeed: 300
atkfly: 1
Rush: 3
Speedattack: 60
Attack Show: 8.0
Attack Area: 230
Attack Range: 300
Attack Speed Show: 6.0
Defense Show: 4.0
Score: 1405
HP Show: 7
disrdcvol: 70
Dead Type: 3
s: 1
label1: 1
speedmove: 80
posclass: 5
talk1: No one can break my lance!
talk2: Only the dead stand before me!
talk3: I stand fast for my home and my country!