General information
Description: Judicators from Erathia worship the Holy Light all their lives. These women, who are chosen because of their gifts, are dedicated to bring light and warmth to people in need.
Class: Caster
Class Description: With their mastery of the secrets of magic, Caster units have higher magic resistance.
Faction: Castle
Race: Human
Members: x1
Rank: Commander
Unit Soul: Judicator
Short description: Halo assistance, range expanded
Position : Group aura used for restoring HP. Aura protects against damage. Holy ground strengthens your allies
Basic stats
Base HP: 6109.4
Base ATK: 565.7
Unit Upgrade: Unit EXP Upgrade cost per Level
Grade | |||
Green | 282.85 | 15.0 | 4582.05 |
Blue | 565.7 | 30.0 | 9164.1 |
Blue +1 | 848.55 | 45.0 | 13746.15 |
Blue +2 | 1187.97 | 63.0 | 19244.61 |
Purple | 1527.39 | 81.0 | 24743.07 |
Purple +1 | 1866.81 | 99.0 | 30241.53 |
Purple +2 | 2262.8 | 120.0 | 36656.4 |
Purple +3 | 2658.79 | 141.0 | 43071.27 |
Orange | 3054.78 | 162.0 | 49486.14 |
Orange +1 | 3507.34 | 186.0 | 56817.42 |
Orange +2 | 3959.9 | 210.0 | 64148.7 |
Orange +3 | 4412.46 | 234.0 | 71479.98 |
Orange +4 | 4865.02 | 258.0 | 78811.26 |
Orange +5 | 5543.86 | 294.0 | 89808.18 |
Red | 6448.98 | 342.0 | 104470.74 |
Stars | Extra ATK | ATK Speed | Extra DEF | Extra HP |
3x | 79.198 | 0.44 | 7.6 | 855.316 |
4x | 90.512 | 0.46 | 8.4 | 977.504 |
5x | 101.826 | 0.48 | 9.2 | 1099.692 |
6x | 113.14 | 0.5 | 10.0 | 1221.88 |
I | Equipment | Basic stat 1 | Basic stat 2 |
![]() |
Staff of Theocracy | ATK | DEF |
![]() |
Celestial Hood of Bliss | HP | DEF |
![]() |
Light Cape | ATK | DEF |
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Divine Vambrace | HP | DEF |
Is Open: -
Item to Rank Up: Sanctuary’s Radiance Banner Soul
Skin: Tool_210909
Recommended Holy Emblems
- Everlasting Secret (Order)
- Anger (Chaos)
- Spring of Immortality (Goodness)
Combination Info
Ultimate Skill: Ray of Judgment
Description: The Judicator summons 2 Rays of Judgment every 25s. When the rays appear, they "stun" hostile units within range for 1s and cause damage equal to % of Max HP, and decrease hostiles’ healing by % for 8s
Regular Skill 1 : Blessing
Description: When engaged, the Judicator applies <High Morale> to all friendly units for 10s.
The Judicator applies <High Morale> to all friendly units in his path every s. The effect lasts for 10s.
Regular Skill 2 : Blessing of Light
Description: When a friendly unit’s HP is lower than 25% for the first time, the Judicator casts <Light Shelter> to protect companions for seconds.
When fighting Inferno units, Judicator gains an additional 30% Unit DMG and 50% Unit DMG Reduction.
Regular Skill 3 : null
Faction Special Skill I : Siege Combat
Description: Castle units are proficient at slaying dragons. When fighting against 1-man unit, unit’s damage is increased by %
Faction Special Skill II : Defense Resonance
Description: Castle units are proficient at joint defense. For every surviving unit, DEF is increased by %
Regular Skill 6 : Halo of Theocracy
Description: When 3 Castle Faction units are deployed, the Judicator increases unit’s damage by % and his own Crit Hit by .
When Judicator is in <High Morale> state, she can reveal a <Theocratic Domain> which expands as the unit skill levels up. The domain exists for 15. CD is 30s.
Roster Connection
- Castle (Castle Roster)
- Caster (Caster Roster)
- Commander (Commander)
Hero Bonus
- Attack
- HP
- Healing
- unit Damage
Talent Enhance: Caster Talent Potion
Awaking Details
Is it possible right now? NO
Awaking Name: null
Awaking Description: With armed armor and cold dueling sword, Supreme Paladins and their followers go forward all the time in the light of the church.
Awaking Tasks
Deploy Paladin and at least 3 Castle Units to pass Champion or higher level of Dragon Utopia one time.
Collect 2 pieces of Equipment in Guild Adventure.
Collect 100 Supreme Paladin souls in the Underground: 17-2 and 17-4 levels.
Deploy Paladin and at least 3 Castle Units and win 1 Duel of Champions battle.
Awaken Skills
1st Skill (or 2nd): Fearless Execution
Description: <Reinforcements of the Valiant>Sanctuary Retinue is promoted to Sanctuary Supervisor. For each Sanctuary Supervisor on the battlefield, the Sanctuary Supervisor increases the DEF of Supreme Paladin by 15%. Supreme Paladin will restore 10% HP during the first 3 summons
2nd Skill (or 1st): Sanctuary’s Glory
Description: <Reinforcements of the Valiant>Sanctuary Retinue gets promoted to Sanctuary Supervisor. For the first 3 summons, friendly units’ damage and damage reduction will be increased by 10% for 30s. Supreme Paladin summons a Sanctuary Supervisor when entering the battlefield for the first time
3rd Skill (or 4th): Loyalty and Belief
Description: <Leadership>Paladin’s unit’s damage reduction increased by 22%. This effect is not affected by "High Morale"
4th Skill (or 3rd): Unyielding Faith
Description: <Leadership>The Paladin’s unit’s damage reduction is increased by an extra 15%. The effect doubles under "High Morale"
5th Skill (or 6th): Perseverance
Description: <Incentive> works on all friendly units. Increases Crit DMG by 50% and tenacity by 150. Duration of High Morale increased by 10s
6th Skill (or 5th): Agile Riposte
Description: <Incentive> works on all friendly units. Increases unit’s damage by 15% and tenacity by 150 for all units within range. Duration of High Morale increased by 10s
Technical info
runart: 0
summon: 1
defshow: 9.0
fly: shenpanguan
flyspeed: 300
atkfly: 1
Rush: 3
Speedattack: 80
Attack Show: 7.0
Attack Area: 350
Attack Range: 300
Attack Speed Show: 6.0
Defense Show: 9.0
Score: 1630
HP Show: 7
disrdcvol: 70
Dead Type: 1
s: 2
label1: 2
speedmove: 80
posclass: 5
talk1: Return to life, my Cavalier !
talk2: The holy light will cleanse us all!
talk3: Heretics will flee from my might!