Black Knight
General information
Description: Black Knights are possessed by terrifying curses. They wander Necropolis killing any living being who crosses their path.
Class: Charging
Class Description: Charge: Charging units attack enemies in the back row, increasing Critical Hit DMG against Ranged and Caster units.
Faction: Necropolis
Race: Undead
Members: x4
Rank: SSR
Unit Soul: Black Knight
Unit description: Critical Strike: Deals colossal damage and causes low morale.
Short description: Powerful damage. Enhanced decapitation.
Position : The top Charging unit. Has high burst skills and becomes more and more powerful in battle.
Recommend: Low-health, high-attack creatures. They will be extremely powerful if you remember to heal them swiftly.
Basic stats
Base HP: 910.0
Base ATK: 115.8
Unit Upgrade: Unit EXP Upgrade cost per Level
Grade | |||
Green | 57.9 | 6.25 | 682.5 |
Blue | 115.8 | 12.5 | 1365.0 |
Blue +1 | 173.7 | 18.75 | 2047.5 |
Blue +2 | 243.18 | 26.25 | 2866.5 |
Purple | 312.66 | 33.75 | 3685.5 |
Purple +1 | 382.14 | 41.25 | 4504.5 |
Purple +2 | 463.2 | 50.0 | 5460.0 |
Purple +3 | 544.26 | 58.75 | 6415.5 |
Orange | 625.32 | 67.5 | 7371.0 |
Orange +1 | 717.96 | 77.5 | 8463.0 |
Orange +2 | 810.6 | 87.5 | 9555.0 |
Orange +3 | 903.24 | 97.5 | 10647.0 |
Orange +4 | 995.88 | 107.5 | 11739.0 |
Orange +5 | 1134.84 | 122.5 | 13377.0 |
Red | 1320.12 | 142.5 | 15561.0 |
Stars | Extra ATK | ATK Speed | Extra DEF | Extra HP |
3x | 16.212 | 0.44 | 3.75 | 127.4 |
4x | 18.528 | 0.46 | 4.38 | 145.6 |
5x | 20.844 | 0.48 | 5.0 | 163.8 |
6x | 23.16 | 0.5 | 5.63 | 182.0 |
I | Equipment | Basic stat 1 | Basic stat 2 |
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Cursed Sword | ATK | DEF |
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Visor of the Dead | HP | DEF |
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Bracer of Nightmares | ATK | DEF |
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Nightmare Pauldrons | HP | DEF |
Name: Nether Sabre
Is Open: +
Item to Rank Up: Nether Sabre Token
Skin: Nether Sabre Special Skin
Recommended Holy Emblems
- Griffin Wings (Order)
- Witness (Goodness)
- Arrogance (Chaos)
Combination Info
Ultimate Skill: Critical Strike
Description: Black Knight deals damage to its target, and causes them "Low Morale" for 10s.
Regular Skill 1 : Death Charge
Description: If the target is downed, the Black Knight’s ATK is increased by %, unit’s damage is increased by %, and Critical Hit value is increased by %. It works throughout the battle, up to 5 stacks.
Regular Skill 2 : Knight Abilities
Description: Unit HP is increased by %, and unit damage reduction is increased by %.
Regular Skill 3 : Terrifying Suppression
Description: Black Knight’s Critical Hit is increased by and Critical DMG is increased by 50%.
Faction Special Skill I : Dismal Defense
Description: Necropolis units know dismal environments well. Increases Unit DMG Reduction when fighting against units suffering from Low Morale by %.
Faction Special Skill II : Spell Harmony
Description: Necropolis units are proficient at spell suppression. When on the battlefield, all hostile units’ magic resistance is decreased by %
Roster Connection
- Necropolis (Necropolis Roster)
- Charging (Charging Roster)
Hero Bonus
- Lord Haart -> Specialty: , ,
- Mullich -> Specialty:
- Sandro -> Specialty: ,
- Human Sandro -> Specialty:
- Attack
- HP
- Attack Speed
- Unit Critical Hit
Talent Enhance: Charging Talent Potion
Awaking Details
Is it possible right now? YES
Awaking Name: Dread Knight
Awaking Description: I see skies pitch black like the night and a moon red as blood. Darkness has shrouded the light. Fear is the name that inspires darkness. The bloody blade was granted to him and even the dead follow him. When the Dread Lord arrives, no one can hear the wails of the lambs.
Awaking Tasks
Deploy Black Knight with at least 5 Necropolis units and complete Dragon Utopia 1 time at Ruthless level. (Sweep does not count towards the mission.)
Kill 5 monsters during a Guild adventure.
Collect 100 Dread Knight souls in the Underground: 15-2 and 15-4 levels.
Deploy at least 3 Black Knights to win 3 Duel of Champions battles.
Awaken Skills
1st Skill (or 2nd): Spread of Darkness
Description: <Critical Strike>The target is increased to 2 hostile units within a large range
2nd Skill (or 1st): Explosion of Fear
Description: <Critical Strike>Damage dealt increased by 50%. The duration extends to 20s if in "Low Morale"
3rd Skill (or 4th): Harvest of Life
Description: <Death Charge>Restores HP by 30% of Max HP and becomes immune to spell damage for 7s when killing the target unit
4th Skill (or 3rd): Ghostly Shield
Description: <Death Charge> Restores 80% unit’s damage reduction and becomes immune to spell damage for 7s when killing a target unit
5th Skill (or 6th): Fear Absolute
Description: <Terrifying Suppression>If the target unit is in "Low Morale", Crit DMG is increased by 50%
6th Skill (or 5th): Bloody Crackdown
Description: <Terrifying Suppression>If the target is in "Low Morale", a 20% extra life drain is given
Technical info
runart: 1
summon: 1
defshow: 5.0
Rush: 2
Speedattack: 160
Attack Show: 8.0
Attack Area: 80
Attack Range: 300
Attack Speed Show: 6.0
Defense Show: 5.0
Score: 1517
HP Show: 8
disrdcvol: 40
Dead Type: 3
s: 2
label1: 10
speedmove: 120
posclass: 3
talk1: No one can break my lance!
talk2: Only the dead stand before me!
talk3: I stand fast for my home and my country!