Combination Info for Bleeding

High Morale Slow Bleeding Burning Low Morale Disease Blind Silence Stun Shield Static Petrify Plague Freeze Deterrence

Units and heroes that cause "bleed"

Nr List of Units List of Heroes
1 Centaur Crag Hack
2 Pegasus Dragon Mutare
3 Orc Wystan
4 Dendroid Guard -
5 Behemoth -
6 Hell Hound -
7 Minotaur -
8 Waspwort -
9 Dark Champion -

Units and heroes that deal extra damage against "bleeding" enemies

Nr List of Units List of Heroes
1 Green Dragon Crag Hack
2 Hell Hound Dragon Mutare
3 Lich -
4 Walking Dead -
5 Medusa -
6 Troglodyte -
7 Lizardman -
8 Gorgon -
9 Serpent Fly -
