Underground - Chapter 21 - 21-5 The Fate of Destruction


Name: 21-5 The Fate of Destruction

Description: There’s no point in resisting. Accept your doom!

Related to: Underground Chapter 21

Drop RewardPermalink

First Complete Reward: Silver Key

Drop 1: 33% 0x Pit Fiend, 67% 1x Pit Fiend

Drop 2: 100% 1x Certificate of Legend +2

Drop 3: 100% 2x Spell Scrolls

Drop 4: 50% 0x Certificate of Legend +1, 50% 1x Certificate of Legend +1

Fight against TeamPermalink

Hero: Shiva (Score: 1000, Level:1)


1st row 2nd row 3rd row 4th row
Behemoth (Score: 254725, Level:84) - - -
Stone Elemental (Score: 254725, Level:84) Angel (Score: 254725, Level:84) Stormbringer (Score: 254725, Level:84) -
Ogre (Score: 254725, Level:84) Pit Fiend (Score: 254725, Level:84) - -
Iron Golem (Score: 254725, Level:84) - - -
