Main Story - Chapter 19 - 19-4 Sing the Lyrics


Name: 19-4 Sing the Lyrics

Description: The betrayal of Yog lead people to question the whole concept of the Bracada. It lead to the biggest political crisis since the banishment of the necromancers.

Related to: Main Story Chapter 19

Drop RewardPermalink

First Complete Reward: Silver Key

Drop 1: 100% 1x Mythical Sulfur

Drop 2: 60% 0x Legendary Ore +3, 40% 1x Legendary Ore +3

Drop 3: 100% 1x Spell Scrolls

Fight against TeamPermalink

Hero: h_Adelaide


1st row 2nd row 3rd row 4th row
Cavalier (Score: 103739, Level:72) Cavalier (Score: 103739, Level:72) Gremlin (Score: 103739, Level:72) Gremlin (Score: 103739, Level:72)
Naga (Score: 103739, Level:72) Iron Golem (Score: 103739, Level:72) Pegasus (Score: 103739, Level:72) Pegasus (Score: 103739, Level:72)
