Item - Gift - V17 Premium Package
MaterialsArtifactsUnit SoulUnit AwakeningHero SoulHero SkillGiftEvent relatedAvatarsConsumablesUnknown
Description: A premium pack for those of VIP 17 and above. It contains lots of rare cultivation resources: Black Knight Exclusive Weapon Tokens, Orange quality artifact pack and Dragon Blood Crystals
Quality: OK
Type: Gift
This item contains:Permalink
Required Level to open: 1
1 You would get ALL items from:
Nr | Amount | Item | |
1 | 400x | Nether Sabre Token | |
2 | 2x | Premium Component Pack | |
3 | 2000x | Dragon Blood Crystal | |
4 | 1000x | Refinement Stone | |
5 | 800x | Talent potion ingredients | |
6 | 150000x | Unit EXP |